A Snapshot

I am a programmer who works with small and medium sized businesses working towards their goals.

If a job needs done, I'll pick up a book and start learning. With that go-getter attitude I've picked up a number of useful skills that when put together is more than the sum of the apart.

I graduated with a bachelors in Computer Science and started running my own business. I focused in website design but did work in SEO, Hosting, CMS security, and more.

Throughout college and after graduating I mentored people in everything from digital security, to best practices for building applications


I started programming in high school and haven't stopped. I have worked in a number of programming languages but focus my work in Python.


When I started making websites, I quickly realized I would need contract workers to help with the workload. As such, I became proficient at how to manage workers and work as "translator" between different groups.


What started out as helping classmates quickly formed into a passion for teaching others. I have now worked with students from 6th grade to graduate students teaching them math, programming, and life skills.


Projects completed


Lines of Code


Quora Answers


What's under the hood


With over 4 years experience in python, I've written at least 15,000 lines and more than a dozen projects.

Project Management

As Founder and Owner of my own business I worked on dozens of projects, all with unique needs and teams.


I have more than 7 years experience in Object Oriented Design.

UX/UI Design

In college I specialized in making UX designs user friendly and intuitive, this continued into the workforce.


I've stepped into projects half way completed and helped the team make the final push to finish the product.


I've rescued projects not being thoroughly tested and worked on Unit and project wide tests.


What Have I Done

Since the scope of my work is fairly diverse, here is a smattering of interesting projects that feature my skills.

  • All
  • Website
  • Python
  • Server-Side
  • Mentor

TVAC (Satellite Testing Unit)

Python Project

Drush (Command line Drupal)

Server Side



Simprily (Genetic simulation)

Python Project

ECM at U of A


Hosts 15+ websites

Server Side

Mentoring ISTA students


Digital Designs Squared

Website / Business

Towers of Hanoi Backup Scheme

Server Side

CS Teaching Assistant



I consulted with NASA working on a vacuum system thermally controlled. Wrote the bulk of the code and managed a small team to complete strict deadline.

Automated Drush Scripts

Unlike many of my other projects, Drush here is a just a tool to show a skill set that is hard to pin down. For those of you who don't know Drush is a command line tool for working with Drupal sites through a terminal and not clicking and pointing in the website.

I used a number a drush built-in commands to automate or mostly automate processes like backing up and security updates for the Drupal sites I host. And Drush isn't the only tool I've done something similar work with, but it is the tool I used most extensively.

Mochlos Archaeological Project

This is just one of many websites I build for for number of clients over the years. It required customizing a WordPress theme to fit the clients exact wants and needs. If you are interested seeing it in action please look at the link below

Mochlos Archaeological Project


SimPrily runs genome simulations with user defined parameters or parameters randomly generated by priors and computes genomic statistics on the simulation output.

It is the program at the core of a PhD's research study. She requested my help a few years ago and I've been working on it off and on throughout the years, with more of a focus happening since the last summer.

If you are interested in looking over the code, look at the GitHub links below

My Fork

Original Project

Episcopal Campus Ministries of Arizona

For this website build I started with a blank Drupal theme and build the entire thing from the ground up. Something to note about this website is most of the sections can be changed without editing the theme directly, something that is uncommon for custom built themes. If you want to see this website look at the link below

Episcopal Campus Ministries of Arizona

Website Hosting

As part of my companies business plan, I offered hosting for clients that didn't want to or know how to host their websites themselves. I rented server space from a 3rd part server hosting company and used a combination of command line tools and website GUI's to manage 4 different servers hosting more than 15 websites.

ISTA Mentoring

With my close vicinity to the U of A and because I have a minor in the subject, I became a mentor to ISTA students wanting programming/career advice. Sometimes this was as small as having a cup of tea and chatting about why they want to do programming. And other times it I worked with a group of ISTA interns on a project they signed up, giving up at least an hour a week to answer any questions they might have.

Digital Designs Squared

It will take more space than I have here to give this create, but put very simply: this is my business. I built it from the ground up and honestly enjoyed most of my time running it. It has a focus on website development but worked int everything from programming consulting to SEO management.

I wasn't alone in this venture, as I had many different contract workers throughout my time working on this. I became excellent at contractor management and contract writing without even touching the web dev knowledge I gained in this venture.

If you are interested in learning more about my business, please look at the website linked below.

Digital Designs Squared

Towers of Hanoi Backup Scheme

As stated elsewhere, I hosted website for my business. The host I was using was self-serviced, and thus didn't have custom backup schemes. When I decided to offer backup schemes with my hosting plan I was faced with a challenge: how to best balance limited space with offering the most available backups.

I decided to use a backup scheme based on an old math problem: Tower of Hanoi. I wrote the program in a mixture between Bash and Python and it's been running well ever since.

CSC466/566 Teaching Assistant

After taking Computer Security (CSC 466/566) in junior year I was asked by Dr. Collberg to help teach the class the following school year. I was one of two TA’s both semesters TA’ing the class and both times I was the main grader for projects, with the other TA handling shorter and more often homeworks. I also had office hours two to three times a week where students could come and work on classwork or review for exams.

While working with students directly was by far my favorite part of the class I was also in charge of grading assignments. Something that before me was done entirely by hand, but I had written test scripts that took their program files as input and automatically graded them based on a number of input values. This not only sped up the time I took grading but gave me a running start when I making testing scripts for other projects I’ve worked on since.

  • "David Christy has provided amazing website design and maintenance to my organization for years. We are glad to be expanding our contracts with him and excited to find many of our partner organizations now using his services."

    Benjamin Garren - Episcopal Chaplain at U of A

  • “I received mentor ship from David during the course of my internship. David is a programmer that you don’t come across often: he is an effective teacher that clearly cares about his mentees and is able to effectively communicate complex concepts. I think he is a kind, intelligent, and respectful person."

    Katie McCready - ISTA Senior

  • "David Christy has provided computer services to me. His work resolved all the issues I was experiencing .In addition, he met all deadlines and his ongoing communication throughout my project put my mind at ease. I have also observed David’s interactions with many types of individuals including those with intellectual disabilities. David is always respectful and patient and his ability to work with diverse populations would be benefit any organization that was lucky enough to employ him."

    Laura Fairbanks - IT support client


Here's just a little but of what I've done

I haven't been working very long, but in the little time I've
been around I've managed to crunch a lot of things into it.


Refocus, Recenter

November, 2017

It was with a heavy heart and lots of thought that I decided to switch from running my own business to working for another. I loved running my own business and would have loved to continue, but I wasn't loving the front-end website development I was doing everyday for it.

In order to pursue more complex coding problems and higher level challenges I'm moving most of my clients to other local developers and not taking any more contracts.

It's with this clean slate that I'm moving looking forward to find what is out there for me.


October, 2017

I consulted with NASA working on a vacuum system thermally controlled, which entailed writing the bulk of the code and managed a small team to complete strict deadline.

Started re-write of Simprily's input processor

May, 2017

As follow up a project I've been working on, this is when I started a re-write of a larger section of the code. This was also the start of me mentoring ISTA students working on this project.

Started Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

March, 2017

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. To start getting back in motion, I started doing BJJ and have loved it ever since.

  • One of my consulting jobs I did was working a satellite testing unit made to reproduce temperatures under extreme low pressures.

  • I worked with a research lab in ASU Reseach park to make a dangerous gas remote monitoring system. Allowing it to be viewed anywhere on the local network in the building.

  • I worked with the Alumni Foundation of University High School, TUSD. Updating their website security.

  • I've been hired for many different roles throughout my time at the University of Arizona, working both in IT and Teaching roles.


Feel Free To Contact Me

I always like hearing from new people. Feel free to shoot me a message below, check out what I'm doing around the internet.